P3KI Core Components

The backbone for your access control and permission delegation solution

Delegable Authorization and Authentication

Precise permission policy semantics

Arbitrary precision

Mathematically proven policy language

Mobile Application (P3KI Authenticator)

Supports Android(R)

Secure key storage

Support P3KI Proven ID

Biometric authentication

RESTful Microservice (trinityd)

RESTful service

Built to integrate

Backend solution for single and multiple identity management

Base for managed identity services

Delegation Store

Can act as centralized data exchange or local cache

Keep track of authorization proofs you've seen

Communicate your relationships to other

Operation/Function Proxy

JAVA application

Accessible via Network, Bluetooth LE, NFC

Trigger any tool and operation upon successful authorization handshake

P3KI Proven ID

Managed issuing of P3KI identities for Enterprise environments

Command-line-interface / CLI (trinity)

Easily scriptable interface

Control both, local instances and remote (trinityd) instances